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Англо-русский словарь - soft


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Перевод с английского языка soft на русский

 1. adj.
 1) мягкий; soft palate - заднее/мягкое небо
 2) нежный, ласковый; тихий (о звуке); soft nothings/things/words - комплименты, нежности
 3) приятный
 4) добрый, отзывчивый, кроткий
 5) coll. влюбленный (on)
 6) неустойчивый; легко поддающийся влиянию
 7) дряблый, слабый (о мускулах)
 8) слабый, слабого здоровья
 9) неяркий (о цвете и т.п.)
 10) мягкий (о линии); неконтрастный (о фотоснимке)
 11) мягкий, теплый (о климате, погоде); a soft breeze - теплый ветерок
 12) coll. слабоумный, придурковатый
 13) мягкий, терпимый
 14) coll. легкий; soft thing (амер. soft snap) - легкая работа
 15) coll. безалкогольный (о напитках)
 16) phon. палатализованный, смягченный
 17) tech. ковкий; гибкий
 18) рыхлый (о почве) soft corn - мокнущая мозоль to boil an egg soft - варить яйцо всмятку the softer sex - слабый пол
 2. adv. мягко, тихо; to lie soft - лежать на мягкой постели
 3. interj. obs. тише!, тихонько!
SOFT core noun завуалированная порнография
SOFT drink noun безалкогольный напиток
SOFT drinks безалкогольные напитки
SOFT fruit noun ягода
SOFT furnishings noun; pl. декоративные ткани; обивочные материалы
SOFT goods текстильные изделия
SOFT landing мягкая посадка (космического корабля)
SOFT loan noun ссуда с небольшим процентом
SOFT money amer.; coll. бумажные деньги
SOFT palate мягкое нёбо
SOFT pedal
 1) mus. левая педаль
 2) coll. запрет, ограничение
SOFT porn noun завуалированная порнография
SOFT sawder лесть, комплименты
SOFT sell noun ненавязчивая реклама
SOFT soap
 1) жидкое мыло; зеленое мыло
 2) coll. лесть
 2. v. coll. льстить
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См. в других словарях

  1. (the soft) мякоть 2. мягкость 3. разг. дурак, простак, простофиля 4. разг. умеренный либерал 5. мягкий bed (hat, fur, pencil) —- мягкая постель (шляпа, -ий мех, карандаш) soft fall —- мягкое падение to boil soft —- разваривать до мягкости; варить всмятку (яйца) soft as down (as silk) —- мягкий как пух (как шелк) soft to the touch —- мягкий на ощупь 6. нежный soft skin (hand) —- нежная кожа (рука) 7. нежный, тонкий, легкий; еле уловимый; тихий, неясный soft fragrance —- тонкий аромат soft folds —- мягкие складки soft music —- тихая музыка soft steps —- легкие (неслышные) шаги soft breeze —- легкий ветерок soft dusk —- мягкий сумрак soft lines (outlines) —- неясные (расплывчатые) линии (очертания) soft light —- мягкий (рассеянный) свет soft tints —- мягкие (неяркие) тона to sing (to speak) in a soft voice —- напевать (говорить) вполголоса to make softer —- приглушать, делать тише 8. ласковый, нежный soft embrace —- нежное объятие soft words (glance, smile) —- ласковые (нежные) слова (-ый взгляд, -ая улыбка) soft nothings (words) —- комплименты, нежности, любезности he was soft of tongue —- неодобр. он умел говорить хорошие слова 9. разг. влюбленный to be soft on (upon) smb. —- влюбиться в кого-либо; питать слабость к кому-либо 10. мягкий, теплый soft climate (winter) —- мягкий климат (-ая зима) soft air (rain, wind) —- теплый воздух (дождик,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) мягкий, пластичный 2) слабопроникающий (об излучении) 3) слабый, вялый (о мышцах) 4) легкоразлагающийся ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) мягкий 2) тихий, неясный 3) спокойный 4) слабый - soft currency - soft goods - soft money ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) программируемый; программно-управляемый; программный 2) мягкий; гибкий; пластичный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) гибкий 2) ковкий 3) магнитно-мягкий 4) мягкий 5) мягкорисующий 6) неконтрастный 7) низкоплавкий 8) пресный soft focus lens — мягкорисующий объектив soft magnetic material — магнитно-мягкий материал, физ. материал магнитномягкий - picture is soft - soft china - soft constraint - soft flame - soft ground - soft image - soft magnetic - soft oil - soft patch - soft rhumbatron - soft roof - soft rubber - soft sheaf - soft solder - soft superconductor - soft twist ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (of a substance, material, etc.) lacking hardness or firmness; yielding to pressure; easily cut. 2 (of cloth etc.) having a smooth surface or texture; not rough or coarse. 3 (of air etc.) mellow, mild, balmy; not noticeably cold or hot. 4 (of water) free from mineral salts and therefore good for lathering. 5 (of a light or colour etc.) not brilliant or glaring. 6 (of a voice or sounds) gentle and pleasing. 7 Phonet. a (of a consonant) sibilant or palatal (as c in ice, g in age). b voiced or unaspirated. 8 (of an outline etc.) not sharply defined. 9 (of an action or manner etc.) gentle, conciliatory, complimentary, amorous. 10 (of the heart or feelings etc.) compassionate, sympathetic. 11 (of a person's character or attitude etc.) feeble, lenient, silly, sentimental. 12 colloq. (of a job etc.) easy. 13 (of drugs) mild; not likely to cause addiction. 14 (of radiation) having little penetrating power. 15 (also soft-core) (of pornography) suggestive or erotic but not explicit. 16 Stock Exch. (of currency, prices, etc.) likely to fall in value. 17 Polit. moderate; willing to compromise (the soft left). 18 peaceful (soft slumbers). 19 Brit. (of the weather etc.) rainy or moist or thawing. --adv. softly (play soft). --n. a silly weak person. Phrases and idioms be soft on colloq. 1 be lenient towards. 2 be infatuated with. have a soft spot for be fond of or affectionate towards (a person). soft answer a good-tempered answer to abuse or an accusation. soft-boiled (of an egg) lightly boiled with the yolk soft or liquid. soft-centred (of a person) soft-hearted, sentimental. soft coal bituminous coal. soft detergent a biodegradable detergent. soft drink a non-alcoholic drink. soft focus Photog. the slight deliberate blurring of a picture. soft fruit Brit. small stoneless fruit (strawberry, currant, etc.). soft furnishings Brit. curtains, rugs, etc. soft goods Brit. textiles. soft-headed feeble-minded. soft-headedness feeble-mindedness. soft-land make a soft landing . soft landing a landing by a spacecraft...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English softe, alteration of sefte; akin to Old High German semfti ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. pleasing or agreeable to the senses ; bringing ease, comfort, or quiet the ~ influences of home  b. having a bland or mellow rather than a sharp or acid taste  c.  (1) not bright or glaring ; subdued  (2) having or producing little contrast or a relatively short range of tones a ~ photographic print  d. quiet in pitch or volume  e. of the eyes having a liquid or gentle appearance  f. smooth or delicate in texture, grain, or fiber ~ cashmere ~ fur  g.  (1) balmy, mild, or clement in weather or temperature  (2) moving or falling with slight force or impact ; not violent ~ breezes  2. demanding little work or effort ; easy a ~ job  3.  a. sounding as in ace and gem respectively — used of c and g or their sound  b. of a consonant voiced  c. constituting a vowel before which there is a y sound or a y-like modification of a consonant or constituting a consonant in whose articulation there is a y-like modification or which is followed by a y sound (as in Russian)  4. archaic moving in a leisurely manner  5. rising gradually a ~ slope  6. having curved or rounded outline ; not harsh or jagged ~ hills against the horizon  7. marked by a gentleness, kindness, or tenderness: as  a.  (1) not harsh or onerous in character a policy of ~ competition  (2) based on negotiation, conciliation, or flexibility rather than on force, threats, or intransigence took a ~ line during the crisis  (3) tending to take a ~ line — usually used with on ~ on dictators ~ on law and order  b. tending to ingratiate or disarm ; engaging, kind a ~ answer turns away wrath — Proverbs 15:1 (Revised Standard Version)  c. marked by mildness ; unassuming, low-key  8.  a. emotionally suggestible or responsive ; impressionable  b. unduly susceptible to influence ; compliant  c. lacking firmness or strength of character ; feeble, unmanly  d. amorously...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (softer, softest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is soft is pleasant to touch, and not rough or hard. Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple... ...warm, soft, white towels. ? rough ADJ • softness The sea air robbed her hair of its softness. N-UNCOUNT 2. Something that is soft changes shape or bends easily when you press it. She lay down on the soft, comfortable bed... Add enough milk to form a soft dough. ...soft cheese. ? hard, firm ADJ 3. Something that has a soft appearance has smooth curves rather than sharp or distinct edges. This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look. ...the soft curves of her body. = gentle ? hard ADJ • softly She wore a softly tailored suit. ...a fresh, modern hairstyle which has long layers falling softly on the neck. ADV: ADV with v 4. Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to look at because it is not bright. There was a soft tapping on my door... When he woke again he could hear soft music. = gentle ADJ • softly She crossed the softly lit room... She bent forward and kissed him softly. ADV: ADV with v 5. If you are soft on someone, you do not treat them as strictly or severely as you should do. The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals... ? hard ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ on n c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If you say that someone has a soft heart, you mean that they are sensitive and sympathetic towards other people. Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart. ? hard ADJ c darkgreen]approval 7. You use soft to describe a way of life that is easy and involves very little work. The regime at Latchmere could be seen as a soft option... = easy ? hard ADJ 8. Soft drugs are drugs, such as cannabis, which are illegal but which many people do not consider to be...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »NOT HARD« a) not hard or firm, but easy to press  (a soft pillow | My feet sank into the soft ground. | get/go soft)  (Cook the onions until they go soft.) b) less hard than average  (a soft lead pencil | a soft cheese) 2 »NOT ROUGH« having a surface that is smooth and pleasant to touch  (a baby's soft skin | The fur was soft to the touch.) 3 »NOT LOUD« a soft sound, voice, or music is quiet and pleasant to listen to  (a whisper so soft that I could hardly hear it | a soft accent) 4 »NOT BRIGHT« only before noun soft colours or lights are pleasant and relaxing because they are not too bright  (Soft lighting creates a romantic atmosphere. | The room was a soft peach colour.) 5 »VIOLENT« gentle and without much force  (a soft breeze) 6 »TOO EASY« informal a soft job, life etc is too easy and does not involve much work or hard physical work  (Mike's landed himself a soft job in the stores. | soft option (=a choice that allows you to avoid difficulties or hard work))  (The computer course isn't a soft option - it's pretty tough. | If you agree, you're taking the soft option.) 7 »NOT STRICT« someone who is soft seems weak because they are not strict enough with other people  (If you give way, the kids'll think you're soft. | be soft on)  (No politician wants to seem soft on crime. | take a soft line (=not be strict enough))  (Courts have been taking too soft a line with young offenders)  (- opposite tough1) 8 »WATER« not containing much lime1 (3) so that it forms bubbles (bubble1 (1)) from soap easily 9 »PHYSICAL CONDITION« informal having a body that is not in a strong physical condition, because you do not do enough exercise  (He'd got soft after all those years in a desk job.) 10 have a soft spot for to be fond of someone even when they do not behave well  (She's always had a soft spot for Grant.) 11 a soft touch informal someone from whom you can easily get money, because they are kind or easy to deceive  (The children regard their aunt as a bit of a soft touch.) 12 »STUPID« BrE stupid or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Strengths, Opportunities, Faults, Threats NASDAQ abbr. Softech, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. softe "gentle, easy, comfortable," from W.Gmc. samfti, from P.Gmc. *samftijaz "level, even, smooth, gentle, soft," from base *som- "fitting, agreeable." Sense of "not hard" developed 12c. Adjective soft core is from 1966. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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